The library is one story with plantings and a bench near the entry.

Friends of the Lester Library

Storybook Scarecrow Competition

Lester Public Library of Rome

Build a scarecrow as part of the second annual Scarecrow Walk!

What is a Scarecrow Walk?

  • The Scarecrow Walk is an outdoor event throughout the month of October (10/14-11/03) on the trails behind the Lester Public Library of Rome.
  • Businesses, organizations, families, and individuals are invited to build a scarecrow to place along the trail.
  • To encourage some Halloween fun (and friendly competition), library visitors will be able to vote for their favorite storybook scarecrow. There will be prizes for 1st-3rd place.

Competition Details

  • You will be in charge of creating/building your scarecrow to display. There will be a numbered stake/fence post provided by the library to put your scarecrow by/lean against if you so choose. If your scarecrow can sit/stand on its own, just have it near the stake/post.
  • This year's theme is "Storybook". All entries should fit the theme, but feel free to be creative!
  • Make sure your scarecrow is “weather-friendly;” they will be outside for a large portion of October so no items that will blow away/melt with rain.
  • Please keep your scarecrow “family-friendly”; we want this to be a fun experience for everyone.
  • Your scarecrow should be up by OCTOBER 13TH and removed on/by NOVEMBER 4TH.

Scarecrow Voting

  • Voting will take place during library hours, though you can view the scarecrows at any time.
  • You will get one “free” vote for your favorite scarecrow, but can gain an additional vote by donating items to the Adams County Food Pantry (drop off in the library).


  • Cash prizes for 1st-3rd place!
  • All participants will receive a "Certificate of Participation"

Please sign up by OCTOBER 8TH to reserve your spot. 

Email: Nicole Menzel (nmenzel [at] (nmenzel[at]romepubliclibrary[dot]org)

Phone: 715.325.8990

Library: Stop by the circulation desk! 


This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Nicole Menzel
image of scarecrow on the cover of a book